In March 2017 in the midst of a complicated context for the Argentine dairy industry, the passion and desire to grow drove us to reactivate a blue cheese factory, traditional in the town of Toro Pujio - Córdoba - Argentina.
Under the name Lácteos Toro Pujio, this enterprise is launched, which is distinguished in the country for being the first to produce different kinds of blue cheeses such as Azul (Traditional), Stracco (Gorgonzola) Italy, and Mariello (Cabrales) Spain.
The objective of our company is clear and responds to a special consumer niche mainly in Buenos Aires and the rest of the country, but we also aim to transcend borders.
The factory is located in a rural area one kilometer from the town of Toro Pujio, department of San Justo, Córdoba. It processes fresh milk daily to produce the excellent TORO AZUL cheese that is marketed throughout the country.

For our exclusive cheeses we use ferments and ingredients of Italian and French origin, it is a long process of elaboration where patience is required to process the fresh milk supplied by local producers.
Different aspects of the cheese are evaluated in order to evaluate the flavor and characteristics after 35 days.


Juan Mendoza, a native of the town of San Jerónimo Norte-Santa Fe, graduated as a chemical technician in 1995 and since then he has traveled the country and the world in search of new experiences in cheese making, which has led him today to undertake this enterprise and he assures that once his dream is on track, he will continue to travel the world to do "crazy things" with cheese.
His first experience was in 1996 at the Nestlé plant in San Jerónimo Norte-Santa Fe, with the manufacture of Adler Bavaria blue cheese. Then he moved to Entre Ríos, more precisely to Baggio, where he started up the dairy plant with the production of fluid milk and chocolate milk.
From there, he embarked on a long journey through several dairy SMEs in the country, such as María Pilar in Catriló La Pampa, El Amanecer in Mar del Plata, then moving to San Gotardo Trenque Lauquen-Buenos Aires until he arrived at Windy, in La Curva-Córdoba, where the idea of having his own project began to take shape.
Being a cheesemaker is much more than just selling cheese, the work of a cheesemaker has little been imbued with the accelerated speed of many other more industrial jobs.
As years ago, cheese today requires patience on the part of its makers who must respect the curing time for each piece. There is no room for haste in the production of a product as natural and exquisite as cheese.